ORM Solutions

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ORM Solutions is dedicated to producing software targeting the Object-Role Modeling methodology. We are responsible for the open source NORMA tool (Natural Object-Role Modeling Architect), which is implemented as a plug-in for Visual Studio.

This site will be expanded in the future as we make additional tooling and information available to the public. We'll customize styling at some point as well, but a pretty web page is much lower priority than cool features in our ORM tools.

Site registration and login currently provides no additional public features.

You can find out more about ORM and the NORMA tool at the following pages:

ORM.NET: Dr. Terry Halpin's site
ORM Foundation: A general discussion and support site for all things ORM
ORM Project on SourceForge: The source and downloads for the open-source versions of NORMA

What we're doing

You can see videos describing NORMA Pro and the JFE (JavaScript Fact Engine) framework at @ORMSolutions on YouTube
Discussions on recent changes can be found in White Papers

Viewing ORM in the Browser

If you don't have NORMA installed then you can view an .orm file in your web browser using the following links. Currently, the viewer shows the diagram elements only. This will be enhanced in the future to show additional properties and verbalizations. Only ORM diagrams are display (Relational and Entity Relationship diagrams are not shown).

Types of viewers

  • ORM Viewer: view .orm files one page at a time with a diagram picker for switching pages.
  • ORM Print View: view all ORM diagrams in an .orm file with a diagram per page. NORMA does not support a full-model print, so this can come in handy for printing all diagrams in a model. Please be patient when loading large models: a single diagram generally renders in a fraction of a second, but rendering all of them at once can take a few seconds. You will see the diagrams render from last-to-first. The page is fully loaded and ready to print when first diagram appears above its diagram name.

Displaying posted .orm files

Both ORM viewers support both local and remote .orm files, so you can post links to your own .orm files for public consumption. However, because .orm files are downloaded and processed locally, you will get cross-site scripting errors without some minor tweaks to your hosting web server settings. See viewing remote models for information on how to make your .orm files visible on the web.

Contact Information

Contact Matthew Curland for further information.